Tuesday 14 September 2010

Concept Art

What is Concept Art?

Concept Art are detailed pictures which are drawn by hand to give the 3D modellers an idea on how to model the character or object. Without Concept Art, the 3D modellers would be clueless as to what to model. Concept Artists will draw the characters, weapons, vehicles, environment, etc and hand them over to the 3D modellers who will then turn the pictures into reality on the screen. Not all the pictures are used though, they are mainly there to give the 3D modellers an idea as to what they need model. Concept Artists will also colour the pictures. Heavenly Sword has a lot of Concept Art which is unlockable content in the game.

Nariko - Heavenly Sword - Concept Art
The "Heavenly Sword"
Kai - Heavenly Sword

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