Friday, 22 October 2010

Digital Cameras

Camera Phone
Camera phones can't make very high quality pictures, but they are useful because they are small and easy to fit into your pocket. Cheap mobile phone with camera will cost on average about £30. An iPhone with camera would usually cost £600. Camera phones can't make very high quality pictures because they use digital zoom and when you zoom in, it enlarges the pixels making the picture quality not as good.

Compact Camera
Compact camera (also called a point-and-shoot camera) is digital and easy to use because they're small. A lot of compact cameras use autofocus to really focus on the object for more detail and sharper, better quality. The zoom feature is good because it uses optical and not digital zoom. Optical doesn't make the pixels bigger. The lens of the camera moves outwards for zoom and the quality is much better. To buy one, the prices are usually around £50-200.

DSLR is short for Digital single-lens reflex camera. DSLR camera is for professional photographers who want to take the best quality pictures because they can sell them. DSLR camera is customizable e.g. you can change the lens to bigger for better zoom. The lens are really long as well so they can zoom much better than compact cameras. Most DSLR cameras are big so they have to be carried around in a suitcase which is a disadvantage for them. They cost around £400.

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